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Item Open Access ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE ON ECONOMIC GROWTH IN NIGERIA: 1986-2016(DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES NASSARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY, KEFFI, NIGERIA, 2019-05-13) Mary, Felicia Haba-OkaraInternational trade policies are targeted at achieving competitive advantages and optimal productivity in the economy, with a view to stimulating economic growth. In the light of this, this study empirically investigates the impact of international trade on economic growth in Nigeria between 1985 and 2016 using a multiple linear regression model and the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) estimation technique. The Augmented Dickey Fuller unit root test was used to test for the stationary of the time series data used for regression analysis. The results reveal that the relevant indicators of international trade, such as the coefficients of trade balance, exchange rates, foreign direct investments and degree of trade openness, explicitly captured in the specified regression model have significant impact on economic growth in Nigeria during the period under review, implying that that international trade is an important determinant of productivity in Nigeria. The study therefore recommended among other things that strategies should be put in place by the government to create an effective policy framework for effective management of indicators of international trade in the Nigerian economy with a view to enhancing sustainable productivity and the overall transformation of the Nigerian economyItem Open Access ANALYSIS OF THE CONTRIBUTION OF TOURISM TO ECONOMIC GROWTH OF NIGERIA: 1995 - 2017(DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY, KEFFI, NIGERIA, 2018-05-11) Titilay, Fidelia AkintelureThis study analysed tourism and economic growth in Nigeria. The main objective of the study is to examine the contribution of tourism sector to the economic growth of Nigeria. The study utilizes the econometric methods of unit root, cointegration and granger causality analysis to rid the time series data of unit root, establish the causal link and the long run relationship between tourism and economic growth in Nigeria. The result of the study showed that total visitor exports and capital formation were significant determinants of economic growth in Nigeria in terms of the magnitude of their contribution to the economic growth process of Nigeria. The empirical result of the study further shows that tourism revenue and tourism employment are inversely related to GDP as evidenced in their negative coefficients. This negative relationship is largely explained by poor policy environment, insecurity and leakages of tourism revenue via remittances and interest payments on foreign capital in the Nigerian tourism sector. The study therefore recommends increased government’s investment and private sector participation in the tourism sectorItem Open Access EVALUATION OF ONSET AND CESSATION OF RAINFALL AND TEMPERATURE ON MAIZE YIELD IN AKURE, ONDO STATE NIGERIA(DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY, FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES, NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY, KEFFI, 2019-10-10) Abiodun, Mosunmola IdumuTemperature and Rainfall are important variables that affect maize yield and as such this study aimed at evaluating the impact of onset and cessation of rainfall and temperature on maize yield in Akure. To achieve this objective, climatic parameters comprising daily rainfall and temperature (maximum and minimum temperature) 1981-2016 for Akure, were obtained from the archive of the Nigerian Meteorological Agency, NiMet. The daily rainfall data were summed to obtain monthly and subsequently, yearly rainfall. Similarly, average annual temperature values were calculated from daily temperature values. Annual maize yield data for the same period 2000-2016 were obtained from Ondo state Agricultural Development Programme. Walter’s method, as modified by Olaniran (1983), was then used to determine onset, cessation and length of growing season. The significance of the annual trend of these climatic parameters were also tested using an approach involving z-test and p-value analysis. Likewise the significance of all the climatic parameters in contributing to maize yield was also determined based on the p-value approach under a null hypothesis. The coefficients of determination (R2) and Pearson correlation coefficient (r) in relation to the SLR and MLR models, were calculated. All data analysis was done by python programming language and excel. Result showed a slight decreasing trend for rainfall, increasing trend for maximum, minimum and maize production. Their associated p-values are, p(0.6925, 0.5794, 0.5136 and 0.0630) which showed that the trend over the years were not statistically significant at the 1, 5 and 10% levels; However maize production was significant at 10% significant level. The mean onset, cessation and length of growing season for maize production in Akure were 8th March ±9, 21st October ±21 and 239days ±27days. The relationship between maize yield and all climatic variable in association with SLR model showed that rainfall is the major contributing variable to maize production in Akure, Ondo State at all significant levels. p-value (0.009539) r = 61%, R2 = 37%. The p-value in association with MLR model, also showed that rainfall is significant at 5 and 10%. p(0.019412) , r=72%, R2 = 51.The study therefore recommends that Organisations like Nigeria Federal Department of Agriculture should equip farmers with adequate knowledge of rainfall onset, cessation and lengthItem Open Access EFFECT OF MACROECONOMIC VARIABLES ON THE GROWTH OF REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT IN NIGERIA: 1992 – 2016(DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES, 2018-09-20) Owuna, Abubakar AbdullahiThis study aims at examining the effect of macroeconomic variables on the growth of real estate investment in Nigeria, 1992 – 2016. Secondary data on the selected macroeconomic variables were obtained from the Nigeria National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to determine the effect of macroeconomic variables on the growth of real estate investment. This involved the use of weighted means, Pearson Product Moment Correlation and the Ordinary Least Square Regression. Findings from the study showed that interest rate has an inverse relationship with the growth of real estate investment, while money supply and population are positively related with the growth of real estate investment in Nigeria. This study recommends that Government should formulate favorable interest rate policies to assist in stabilizing property prices, thereby making housing more affordable. Secondly, monetary policy measures should be enhanced by the Government through the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to increase money supply, in order to increase investment in real estate. Also, the financial reform and credit policy of the Federal Mortgage Bank should be geared towards improving the functions of the National Housing Fund (NHF) by making more loanable funds available to the civil servants and the non-organised private sector (large population) through soft loans bearing attractive interest rate and lessen the stringent collateral security requirements on the citizens to enhance housing affordability.Item Open Access IMPACT OF AGRICULTURAL CREDIT GUARANTEE SCHEME FUND (ACGSF) ON SELECTED CASH CROP OUTPUT IN NASARAWA STATE: 1997-2016(DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY, KEFFI, 2019-09-12) Mevye, Deborah KuzheAccess to finance for agriculture is an incentive for increasing the agricultural sector performance as it stimulates productive growth, and supports the survival of small and new enterprises. Because of the challenges facing farmers, which have adverse effects on agricultural production, the government thought it fit to act as an intermediary through the Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme (ACGS) whereby the government stands as a guarantor for agricultural loans in order to mitigate the risk involved in agricultural financing. However, majority of our remote rural farm community consists of subsistence farmers who are not in a position to use high quality new improved seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, modern machines and technology and advanced farm implements due to lack of adequate finance and credit available to them. The main objective of the study is to examine the impact of Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme Fund on selected cash crop outputs in Nasarawa state. Secondary data was gotten from CBN statistical Bulletin, World Bank reports, textbooks, Journals etc they were used to identify the impact of ACGSF on selected cash crop (maize, groundnut, oil palm) output in Nasarawa State 1997-2016. The empirical method adopted was the ordinary least square (OLS) regression technique and findings from the analysis showed that agricultural credit guarantee scheme fund had a significant impact on ground nut and oil palm productions in Nasarawa state. However, on the side of maize productions, agricultural credit guarantee scheme fund was found to have had no significant influence on maize outputs in Nasarawa state. Thus, indicating that ACGS loans have not been adequate for maize farmers to increase output in the study area. The study thus recommends that ACGS should be socially oriented in accessing larger number of real/full time rural small and medium farmers who are the majority, poor and have insufficient capital to expand their farm maize production. In addition, more incentives must be put in place to make agriculture more attractive to a large proportion of the nation’s working population than the usual white collar jobs.Item Open Access HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT AND ECONOMIC GROWTH IN NIGERIA (1980-2015](Department Of Economics, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, 2018-06-01) Veronica, Odigure A.Human Capital Development is an Integral pait of any Country’s Development and Economic Growth, and cannot be over Emphasized and has been the Fulcrum of aid and assistance by International Agencies and Developed Countries, Furthermore, Evidence from Developed Countries Suggests that Human Capital has been the major driver of their Development Process. This notwithstanding, Human Capital Development and the Nigeria Economy has been a subject of debate. The main aim of this Paper is to carryout Empirical Investigation on Human capital and economic growth in Nigeria using time series data from 1980-2015. This Paper Employs Trends Analysis, the Johansen Co integration and Ordinary Least Square Technique (OLS). Based on the Findings, the Policy Implications are in three directions (i) to retain the continuous long run relationship with GDP and Human Capital Development, Effort should be made to harmonize the Activities in the Health, Education Sector with much Attention on Funding. The harmonization of the activities in these two sectors will have long run effect on the economy, (ii) As one of the factors of human capital development, government expenditure on education was found to have positive effect on the economy. In the light of this government should try as well to meet up with world standard benchmark on education expenditure in the annual budget. In so doing this will improve on the economy (Hi) government expenditure on health was found to have negative effect on the economy. Therefore, effort should be made by government to address the agitations by the health, and education sectors which always resort to frequent strike actions. The recommendation drawn from the study centered on revisiting the workable policies which should be put in place to bring about an overall economic growth, expenditure on health and public education should be utilized effectively and efficiently so that the country would experience quality health care services and quality education system. Effort should be made to equip our health and education sector so that capital flight in the name of foreign medical treatment is reduced.Item Open Access ANALYSIS OF THE TRANSMISSION MECHANISM OF MONETARY POLICY ON THE NIGERIAN ECONOMY: 1987-2018(Department Of Economics, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, 2021-02-01) Bello, Idris MuhammadThe study investigated on the analysis of transmission mechanism of monetary policy on the Nigerian economy for the period 1987 to 2018. The study examined the level of success of monetary policy measures against desired objectives and the appropriate measures for achieving it. The study employed quantitative research approach, which involves the utilization of annual time series data using Auto regressive Conditional Heteroscedascity (ARCH) and Generalize Auto regressive Conditional Heteroscedascity (GARCH) techniques. ARCH LM test and JB normality test were also employed as diagnostic tests to investigate the reliability of the variables used. The result in model one showed that Money Supply (MS) and Monetary Policy Rate (MPR) have impacted significantly on Real Gross Domestic Product (RGDP) in Nigeria without the result of liquidity ratio. And in model t\\’o, both Monetary Policy Rate (MPR), Prime Lending Rate (PLR) and Treasury Biljs (TRB) affect Cost of Capital (CCAP). While in model three, both Money Supply (MS) and Cash Reserve Requirement (CRR) have impacted positively on Household Investment Expenditure (HEXP) except Maximum Lending Rate (MLR).The study showed that, the transmission of monetary policy is fairly strong in the entire three models. This implies that the effectiveness of Monetary Policy Rate (MPR) on the third model depends on its effect on money supply. The study therefore recommends that Open Market Operations (OMO) may be critical to the effectiveness of monetary policy in Nigeria. Specifically, the government through the CBN should set the lending rates at optimum level as these would help to boost credit expansion, money supply and invariably returns and profitability of deposit money banks in Nigeria, as well as redefining reserve requirement by setting the CRR at an equilibrium level in order to make more funds available for loans and investments in the economy thus, leading to economic growth.Item Open Access ANALYSIS OF IMPACT OF EXCHANGE RATE POLICIES ON MACROECONOMIC PERFORMANCES IN NIGERIA: 1986 - 2017(Department Of Economics, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, 2019-01-01) Dalong, Manasseh AyubaThis study examines the impact of exchange rate policy in Nigeria for the period 19H6 to 2017. In order to achieve the study objectives, secondary data were gathered from the publications of CBN. FBS. World study report and other text hooks. The objective is to determine the precise relationship between exchange rate and other macroeconomic variables such as Balance of Payment (BOP), inflation. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and its decomposition (Agriculture, industry and Service output). Ordinary Least Square regression method was used. The result of the regression shows that GDP has a negative relationship with exchange rate in Nigeria. The result shows that Naira rates depreciates during inflation and if well managed can lead to a surplus in BOP To increase sectorial output, the result reveals that appreciation policy of exchange rate can be used. Therefore, to obtain a sustainable growth and development. appropriate exchange rate policies should be used to control its effect on other macroeconomic variables and as when due.Item Open Access ASSESSMENT OF THE CONSUMERS’ ATTITUDE TOWARD POWER SUPPLY IN ABUJA MUNICIPAL COUNCIL ACASE STUDY OF POWER HOLDING COMPANY OF NIGERIA (PHCN) BY(Department of Economics, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2019-01-17) Monokpo, Blessing KaduThis Research Project assessed the consumer's attitude toward Power Supply in Abuja Municipal Council using PPICN as a case study. It takes into recognition the presence of Variables such as the effect of low supply of electricity, Increase in pricing of Electricity and High Corruption Practices of Most PHCN workers and its impact on the consumers * attitude towards electricity bill payment and its general impact on economic development in Nigeria. The adopted descriptive methods by relying on primary data generated by means of questionnaire administration to consumers. A simple percentage (ratio) was employed to analyse the data gathered. The result shows that majority of the respondents are not satisfied with the services being offered by the power holding company of Nigeria in the Abuja Municipal Area Council and hence, do not promptly pay their bills or find other means in obtaining electricity. It was however recommended among others that there is the need to upgrade the power supply in the Abuja Municipal council, while there should be an improvement in the working condition and office environment of the PHCN staffItem Open Access ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT OF TAX REVENUE ON ECONOMIC GROWTH IN NIGERIA(Department of Economics, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2021-03-17) Aruma, Charity GinikanwaThe aim of this study was to examine the analysis of impact of tax on economic growth in Nigeria from 1990 to 2017. The study used time series data for the analysis. The model adopted in the study is Multiple regression models and some other econometric techniques such as unit root test, Cointegration and Granger Causality were used in analyzing the data. The empirical findings from the study showed that tax revenue particularly personal income tax and Value added tax had insignificant impact on GDP (proxy for national income), physical capital formation and human capital development in Nigeria during the period under review. The study therefore recommended that government should improve its tax revenue mechanism that will impact positively on government expenditure such as infrastructural amenities provision across the country. There is also needfor government to reduce the rate of tax particularly personal income tax to enhance the growth of education and skill of entrepreneurs within the country. Specific socio-welfare interventions of government should also be put in place to encourage voluntary compliance to tax obligations by both individual and corporate Nigerians. There is a need for increased citizens ‘ awareness in terms of their tax obligation and civic responsibilities. Strategies should be adopted to improve on the system of tax administration to increase tax revenue generation in Nigeria.Item Open Access ANALYSIS OF IMPACT OF SAVING DETERMINANTS ON RESIDENTS OF ABUJA MUNICIPAL AREA COUNCIL(Department of Economics, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2018-09-17) Chigozie, Gift ChemelaThis study examines impact of saving determinants on residents of Abuja Municipal Area Council Descriptive and explanatory research designs are used. A survey technique was employed to collect data from the inhabitants of Abuja Municipal Area Council A sample size of 120 is drawn from the population by the use of quota and purpose non - probability sampling method with data from primary source. The quantitative data is analyzed through descriptive statistics and qualitative with content analysis. Statistical packages for social science (SPSS version 21) and multiple regression analysis are employed with ANOVA to establish the significance level of regression model using F- statistics and t- Statistics to interpret. The ages of the respondents fall from 18 - 51years above, with majority of the respondents being married, of income, the presence of financial institution and interest rate has an impact on the savings of the inhabitants of Abuja Municipal Area Council. The research recommends that the government should include financial literacy in the educational curriculum and also the financial institution should provide more saving outlets. The result showed that the levelItem Open Access THE GLOBAL ECONOMIC CRISIS AND THE MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS (MDGs): A CASE STUDY OF UNIVERSAL PRIMARY EDUCATION (GOAL 2) IN FCT, NIGERIA(2015-12-20) Oisamoje, Blessing.This study examined the implication the global economic crisis had on the achievement of the Universal Primary Education (MDG 2), in the Bwari and Kwali Area Council of FCT, Abuja, Nigeria. With the outburst of the global economic crisis, most developing countries had their economies crippled by the crisis. Also, this meltdown posed a risk on the achievement of the Universal Primary Education, as a result of the inability of donor countries to contribute their quota of aid assistance. The objective of the study is to examine the implication of the global economic crisis on attaining the set Millennium Development Goal of the Universal Primary Education. The study is also to ascertain the causes and effects of global economic crisis and determine the extent to which the MDG 2 have been achieved in FCT, Nigeria. The theory adopted for the study is the dependency theory, which attributes that the cause of the dependency of developing countries on developed countries has been made possible because of the dependent ' relationship that exist between the core (developed countries) and periphery (developing countries). The data used for the study are generated from both primary (questionnaires and interviews) and secondary sources. Findings from the study show that the global economic crisis alongside donor assistance had a negative adverse-effect for the achievement of the Universal Primary Education. The study therefore recommends that the Government show strong political will to strengthen primary education in the country, by developing stronger educational policies to support the framework of the Universal Primary Education. The study further recommends that there ■should be an increased funding and awareness for the achievement of the Universal Primary Education by the government. TABLEItem Open Access IMPACT OF PREMIUM MOTOR SPIRIT IMPORTATION ON ECONOMIC GROWTH IN NIGERIA(Department of Economics, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2019-10-08) Danjuma, Shaibu Fabian'he study investigated the impact of Premium Motor Spirit (PMS) Price on the growth of iigerian economy as well as the effect of gross domestic investment (GDI), labour Employment (LEMP) and lending interest rate (LIR) between 1970 and 2013 on economic growth of Nigeria. The study focused on PMS pricing due to government foot dragging on ;he deregulation of PMS Price in Nigeria. For this study, secondary data were obtained from Statistical fact sheets of National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) and Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) publications. Using the Error Correction Mechanism approach, the study reveals that increase in PMS Price had a negative significant impact on the Nigerian economy (Real GDP) at 5% level of significance. This indicates that 1% rise in PMS price of one year lag leads to 0.7% decrease in Real GDP. That is, increase in energy (PMS) price will negatively impact on the production of the firms, individuals (household) or Government Institutions, which will consequently lead to a fall in real GDP. GDI indicated a positive and significant impact on Real GDP at 5% level of significance, indicating that 1% rise in GDI of one year lag will lead to 8.5% rise in Real GDP. LEMP of one year lag showed a positive and significant impact on Real GDP at 5% level of significance, suggesting that 1% rise in LEMP will lead to 2% increase in Real GDP. Also, LIR of two and three-year lags indicated a negative and significant impact on Real GDP at 5% level of significance, implying that any percentage rise in LIR will lead to a corresponding percentage decrease in Real GDP. Based on the findings, the study concludes that PMS price, GDI, LEMP and LIR are drivers of RGDP in Nigeria. Hence, the study recommends that government should reduce the PMS pump price by deregulating PMS and encourage the private sector to participate actively in the downstream of the petroleum sector in order to create competition in the sector, thereby tackling the continuous rise in PMS pump PriceItem Open Access THE ROLE OF INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT ON = NIGERIA’S ECONOMIC GROWTH: 1986- 2017(Department of Economics, Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2020-06-08) Boyi, ZephaniahThe study examines the role of infrastructure development in national economic growth. A model was specified for the purpose and secondary data was collected for the period 1986-2017. The objective of this research was primarily to investigate the level of telecom infrastructure development on the Nigeria economy. Statistical technique of ordinary least square (OLS) was employed for the estimation. Our result shows that developments in telecommunications sector provided by leledensily have positive and significant impact on economic growth in Nigeria. We recommend that increased infrastructure development in the telecommunications sector, and greater deregulation for competition among operations will bring about sustained economic I growthItem Open Access IMPACT OF POPULATION GROWTH ON ECONOMIC GROWTH IN NIGERIA(Department of Economics,Nasarawa State University Keffi, 2020-02-04) Moses, Nwachukwu O.The study examined the dynamic relationship between population growth and economic growth in Nigeria. The study adopts ex-post factor design in order to answer the research questions. The study also employs the inferential method in examining the impact of government revenue on economic growth in Nigeria during the 2000-2018. To this end, the study will use time series data on birth rate (BRT), death rate (DRT), growth rate of urban population (GUP) and gross domestic product (GDP) at current prices. Autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) method was used to estimate the model. The analysis of the results showed that while birth rate (BRT) has positive impact on economic growth, death rate (DRT) and growth rate of urban population (GUP) have negative impact on economic growth in Nigeria. Therefore, it can be concluded that population generally has mixed impact on economic growth in Nigeria. The study recommended that greater efforts must be made to ensure better access to income-earning opportunities within and beyond means of livelihood, and infrastructural facilities should be provided in the rural areas to reduce rural-urban migration which lead to overcrowding in the urban areasItem Open Access IMPACT OF INFLATION ON NIGERIA’S ECONOMIC GROWTH 1986-2012(DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCE NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY, KEFFI, 2019-08-01) Ojugbo, Abru MatthewThis study investigates the impact of inflation on economic growth of Nigeriabetween 1986- 2012. Typically, this relationship has been analyzed using simple correlations and deterministic models, incorporating unemployment rate into the framework for analysis, through the application of Ordinary Least Square (OLS) technique in estimating the effects of unemployment and inflation on growth, Augmented Dickey-Fuller test and Phillip"s-Perron test statistics were employed to test the presence of unit root in the series, after which Johansen cointegration test was employed to test the existence of long-run relationship between economic growth and the independent variables. The results of unit root suggest that all the variables in the model were stationary. The Johansen cointegration result shows that there exist 2 cointegrating equations, implying the existence of long run relationship between economic growth, unemployment and inflation. The results also reveal that unemployment impacts negatively on economic growth while inflation rate impacts positively on economic growth. However,, only the coefficient of unemployment was found to be significant. The hypothesis test result using f-statistics reveals that unemployment and inflation jointly affect economic growth at 1 percent and 5 percent respectively, with values of 5.8900 in model 11 and 4.0637 in model III This therefore, implies that a good performance of the Nigerian economy in terms of growth may be achieved with lows rate of unemployment and inflation in the country. Based on the coefficients of unemployment - 4.6727 and inflation 0.0246 in model III, it follows that 1 percent reduction in unemployment would increase economic growth by 4.6727 percent, while 1 percent increase in inflation would increase economic growth by 0.0246 percent; hence a major policy implication is that concerted effort should be made to reduce unemployment and stabilize the prices of goods and services (inflation) so as to achieve high, rapid and sustained economic growth rate in Nigeria.Item Open Access THE EFFECT OF LIQUIDITY RISK ON THE PERFORMANCE OF SOME SELECTED QUOTED COMMERCIAL BANKS IN NIGERIA(Department Of Economics, Faculty Of Social Sciences, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, 2016-11-10) Vokpuize, Uti-IdahThis project titled ,(The effect of liquidity risk on the performance of some selected quoted commercial banks in Nigeria ” was under taken with the following objectives: to determine the effect of money deposits on Net Operating Profit Margin of selected quoted Commercial Bank in Nigeria, to examine the effect of cash on Net Operating Profit Margin of selected quoted Commercial Banks in Nigeria and to investigate the effect of Liquidity-Gap on Net Operating Profit Margin of some selected quoted Commercial Banks in Nigeria. The research adopted Ex-post Factor research design; this enabled the researcher to gather data from 2010 to 2015 from the sampled banks that is Diamond Bank, Eco Bank and KeyStone Banks. The data gathered was analyzed with Multiple Regressions, F-test at 95% confidence level in addition to Statistical Package for Social Science (SPPS) which was used to test the hypotheses. The result shows that: performance of Commercial Banks in Nigeria is negatively affected due to the Liquidity Gap, the increase in the cost ultimately affect the performance of the bank The researcher therefore, recommended for banks to establish the required cash in each product segment and maintain the optional level which help in reducing the cash balance level and increase their customer deposit base through making the product accessible to more customers especially the low income earners who have been neglected for a long time by the main stream banks. At the same time banks should consider targeting the corporate clients who will be willing to retain large cash in the banks for a longer period.Item Open Access IMPACT OF FISCAL POLICY ON ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE IN NIGERIA(Department Of Economics, Faculty Of Social Sciences, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, 2020-12-25) Ewalefoh, Jeremiah IbhaebosoriaThe study examines the impact of fiscal policy on economic performance in Nigeria between 1981 and 2016. Fiscal policy is represented by government total expenditure, government total revenue and direct tax. A model was developed in which economic growth (proxy as economic performance) is expressed as a function of government total expenditure, government total revenue, direct tax, capital (represented as gross capital formation) and labour (represented as employment rate). The study covered a 36-year period ranging from 1981 to 2016. The econometric techniques of Augmented Dickey Fuller test, Cointegration test and Error Correction model estimation. Three theories were reviewed namely the classical, neo-classical and the endogenous growth model. The study concludes that fiscal policy was partially effective on economic growth (surrogate of economic performance) in Nigeria between 1981 and 2016. The study suggest that; Government should enhance investment in productive expenditure including expenditure on education, health, manufacturing, mining and agriculture and also ensure that funds meant for development of these sectors are properly utilized; Government should strive to reduce expenditure on recreational, cultural and religious affairs and other functions like political administrative expenses in order to stabilize the economy; Appropriate mix of fiscal and monetary policies that would effectively stabilize the economy should be pursued; Government should consider restructuring its expenditure pattern by allocating more funds towards productive expenditure such as capital projects; Government should consider harnessing its revenue potentials by expanding its revenue base via effective and efficient taxation system and diversification of Nigeria’s revenue base by tapping into solid minerals and agricultural potentials.Item Open Access ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT OF BUDGET DEFICIT ON ECONOMIC GROWTH IN NIGERIA(DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY,KEFFI, 2021-02-02) Namo, Dogara YohanaGovernment, whether military or civilian believe that one way of solving social problems is by increasing government spending. In the process of discharging this enormous responsibility, the revenue and spending requirements of the government may sometimes outstrips its availability, hence the recourse to deficit financing so as to fill the gap between expenditure needs and revenue availability. This study was aimed at assessing the impact of budget deficit on economic growth in Nigeria. The research design employed in this research is descriptive statistics method with a P value <0.05 at 5% level of significant. The main analytical tool is an autoregressive distributive lag (ARDL) model which deals with single co-integration and it is introduced originally by Pasaran and Shin (1999) and further extended by Pesaran et al (2001). Theoretically, this study therefore relied on Keynesian’s theory. Results from this study reveals that the mean values of all the variables are positive and GDP has the highest average value of 286618.9 followed by TAX REV with the value of 3269.880. DEBT, BUDGET DEFICIT, TAX REV and EXCHANGE RATE have unit root at level and became stationary after first difference I (I) while GDP, INF and Interest Rate are stationary at level I (0) by comparing the ADF value with their respective critical value at 5% level of significant. The F-statistic value of 2.10 is less than the critical value of the lower bounds of 3.23, which implies that there is no existence of long run relationship. Consequently, the ARDL estimates showed that Debt, Budget Deficit and Tax Revenue can significantly impact on GDP in Nigeria. Findings from the study conclude that GDP respond to debt, budget deficit and tax revenue in Nigeria.Item Open Access IMPACT OF TAX REVENUE ON INFRASTRUCTURAL DEVELOPMENT IN NASARAWA STATE, NIGERIA: 1988-2018(DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY,KEFFI, 2021-02-28) Aso, Abdullahi NanaThe objective of the study was to assess the impact of tax revenue on infrastructural development in Nasarawa State. The researcher adopted ex-post-facto research design. The study utilized secondary data on Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE), Direct Assessment Tax (DAT) and Withholding Tax (WHT) proxy for tax revenues resources as independent variables while expenditure on capital projects proxy for infrastructural development as dependent variable. Theoretically and empirically it has been found that tax revenue influenced infrastructural development in Nasarawa state. The study applied Multiple Linear Regression Technique and Ordinary Least Square to estimate the model The result reveals that tax revenue resources (PA YE, DA T & WHT) had positive and insignificant impact on infrastructural development in the state. The study concludes that tax revenue had great influence on infrastructural development in Nasarawa state. Based on the findings of this study, the researcher recommends that Nasarawa state government should show some degree of accountability and honesty on the revenue collected to make citizen understand the connection between tax revenue and infrastructural development. This can be achieved when tax laws, regulations, procedures and administrative guidelines are made public.
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